NUMIES organiza el Seminario Regular de “Energía y Sociedad”

El Núcleo Milenio de Investigación en Energía y Sociedad invita cordialmente al Seminario Regular “The politics of system innovation for emerging technologies: How does local agency dynamics affect the uptake of off-grid renewable electricity in rural Chile?”, presentado por el Dr. José Opazo Bunster, investigador adjunto de NUMIES.

La sesión se realizará el miércoles 14 de septiembre entre las 15:30 y las 17:00 horas, en la Sala B-21 de la Biblioteca Nicanor Parra, de la Universidad Diego Portales, ubicada en Vergara 324, Santiago.


The use of renewable energy technologies (RETs) in off-grid rural electrification are considered ‘system innovations’. This paper seeks to understand the reasons underlying success or failure in the diffusion of PV and wind energy over the last 20 years in Chile, when the country increased access to rural electricity from 53% to 95%. The study combines Strategic Niche Management (SNM) and geography of S-T transitions to explore the spatial distribution and embedding of power and agency in the development of RET niches. The paper concludes that SNM is relevant to understanding how innovations are structured and stabilised, but contributes to the framework by analysing specific politically underpinned dynamics in particular (socio-political) settings.