NUMIES organiza Workshop sobre regulación pública de energía en la historia y sociedad

Este 27 y 28 de abril, Núcleo Milenio de Investigación en Energía y Sociedad (NUMIES) realizará un nuevo Workshop titulado “Energy states: Exploring the public regulation of electricity in history and society”, está vez será realizado en dos jornadas con 5 paneles y 17 expositores. La cita será en la Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Almirante Barroso # 6, Santiago.Asistencia Liberada. Inscripciones aquí.

Este encuentro contará con la participación del profesor David E. Nye (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) – Title TBC y el profesor Dominic Boyer (Department of Anthropology & Center for Energy and Environmental Research in the Human Sciences (CENHS), Rice University, USA) – “Baseload and Its Discontents”.



  • Fernando Purcell (Departmento de Historia, Universidad Católica de Chile) – Bajo Anchicayá: Hidroelectricity, Modernization and Planning in Colombia during the mid-Twentieth Century
  • Nathalia Capellini (Centre d’Histoire Culturelle des Sociétés Contemporaines, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France) – “Water is energy”: The development of hydroelectricity during Brazil’s military regime (1964-1985)
  • Carlos Gomes (Department of History, Stony Brook University, USA) – The Triple Frontier as an Energy Regime: Itaipú and Yacyretá dams and the Parana River (1963 – 1991)


  • Santiago Garrido (Instituto de Estudios sobre la Ciencia y la Tecnología de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina) – Public policies for the development and implementation of renewable energies in Argentina (2006-2016), a socio-technical analysis.
  • Duygu Kasdogan (Science and Technology Studies Program, York University, Canada) – (Un)Making National-Developmentalist Energy Policies: The Question of Centralization through the Case of Biogas Systems in Turkey
  • Aldo Madariaga & Mathilde Allain (Instituto de Políticas Públicas, Universidad Diego Portales y Centro de Estudios de Conflicto y Cohesión Social, Chile) – The green discursive coalition and its influence on Chilean energy policy (1995-2015)


  • François-Mathieu Poupeau (Laboratoire Technique Territoire et Sociétés, Université Paris Est, France) – Electricité de France and the regulation of electricity supply in France (1946-1990): a political market?
  • Ronan Bolton (Department of Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, University of Edinburgh, UK) – What comes after the ‘British Model’?
  • Antoine Maillet y Joaquín Rozas Bugueño (Instituto de Asuntos Públicos, Universidad de Chile) – From incentive to private investment to competition promotion: electricity contract auctions as an indicator of the changes in public regulation of electric market in Chile (2005-2016)


  • Claudia Prempeh (Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies, University of Bayreuth, Germany) – The Place of the Ghanaian Public in Electricity Governance
  • Mónica Humeres (Departmento de Sociología, Universidad Alberto Hurtado) – The standard citizen: Versions of society enacted in Chile’s interconnected electrical systems


  • Nandita Badami (Department of Anthropology, University of California Irvine, USA) – Sunlight and Sovereignty: On the Emerging Politics of Solar Energy in India
  • Paulette Nonfodji (VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands) – Hydroelectric energy promotion in the economic development policy narratives of Cameroon


  • Ana Camelo (Science and Technology Policy Department, University of Campinas, Brazil) – Of which energy futures are we talking about? Brazilian State imaginaries attached to nuclear and hydro pathways
  • Carla Alvial (NUMIES, Universidad Alberto Hurtado) – Making room for governance: the introduction of future oriented policy instruments in the Chilean energy transition